Sorry for the delayed updates… I’ve been busier than expected, and May gray has made photography difficult. But! I’ve got not one, but two pictures to make up for it.
First, the new project. When Stanley Cup playoffs started last month, I figured it was a good time to start knitting these:

I’d only been working on this during Sharks games that I watched or listened to, and this is how far I got before they lost to the Stars on May 4. The socks are on hold for now, because I’m not entirely sure what to do with them. I might keep working on this throughout the next few weeks, so that I can wear the pair during games next season. Or I might just let them hibernate until next season. We’ll see.
The socks themselves are in stockinette stitch, and they’re toe-up with a reverse Dutch heel – which is starting to be kind of a default for me, I think. I probably could’ve made the leg a little longer, but oh well.
So this means that I have three pairs of socks in progress. Which bothers me less than I thought it would.
I actually made pretty decent progress on the second Retro Ribs sock:

The only reason I haven’t gone further is that I managed to lose my spare needle in transit somewhere, and all of my other US0 DPN sets are in use right now. (Yes, I could just knit these using four needles instead of five, but I’d much rather not – just personal preference.) So I’ll have to either order a new set, or just wait until I finish another sock. Decisions, decisions.
Speaking of another sock, believe it or not, I’ve done some work on my third pair. Though the work isn’t of the actual knitting kind. As I’ve mentioned before, I managed to lose all of my charts for the Fairways socks. Until I redid those, I couldn’t finish knitting. So, I now have new charts! (I also have digital versions now.)
Updates will probably remain few and far between for at least the next couple of weeks, but hopefully I’ll have more projects to show by then.