Tag Archives: Knives Chau scarf

Knitting for Knives Chau

Yes, yes, I’m still recapping my 2010, but we’re getting closer to the end of it here! Back on Halloween, some friends and I got together and dressed up as characters from Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. I was Knives Chau, as she appears during the fight at the end.

Photo courtesy of .jun. Sadly, I didn’t have a chance to get prop knives to complete my costume. Oh well.

There are actually two knit projects in the photo above. I’ve taken photos of each while wearing a grey tank top, just so they’re a bit easier to see:

I had never actually knit a large stockinette rectangle until this point. And to be honest, this project kind of made me twitchy. But hey, I was going for semi-accuracy here, and if the scarf was going to curl it had to be in stockinette, right?

While mine is skinnier than the one in the movie, the scarf is still a bit more accurate than the “gloves” (for lack of a better word):

Because the movie ones definitely weren’t knit. But I couldn’t find anything close in stores, and I’m kind of inept when it comes to sewing. So, knitting to the rescue! The angles on the back of the hand aren’t quite right, but oh well.

Both projects were knit on US5 Crystal Palace bamboo needles and used Berroco Vintage, in the “Cast Iron” color. The scarf also uses the “Snow Day” color of the same yarn.

In addition to the yarn, the gloves also have some Dritz elastic thread. I just knit the elastic into the ribbing, which may not have been the best way to go about it, but it worked okay for my purposes.

These didn’t take too long to do – I’d finished both within a week. Not too shabby, right?

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