Tag Archives: Kindle sleeve

Sorta stashbusting

One thing I discovered when packing for last year’s move: I had way more yarn stashed than I realized. Apparently I’m really good at hiding things from myself! The box of yarn that was way in the back of the hall closet included a partial ball of Patons Stretch Sock and several random balls of Lion Brand Cotton-Ease. This year I’ve been seriously aiming to reduce my stash, so I used some of that yarn for my latest two FOs.

The Patons Stretch Sock had been used to make a phone sock out (which I never photographed and have since lost… oops). I used a little more of it to make my Kindle sleeve:

No pattern, since I winged it. The only (sort of) interesting thing about it is that I got to put my US 00 DPNs to use. (I could have used US0s, since I liked the gauge I was getting with those, but I didn’t like the pooling.) I probably should have made it slightly wider, but the whole thing took way too long as it was.

As for the Cotton Ease, I have no idea what I originally bought it for. But I think I figured out a good use for some of it, inspired by Jessica’s bringing a personal dishtowel into her office and using the same pattern as Lindsay’s handtowels:

Pattern: Baby Genius Burp Cloth by Kay Gardiner and Ann Shayne
Yarn: Lion Brand Cotton-Ease in Banana Cream, Pistachio, and Blueberry
Needles: US4 / 3.5mm Clover bamboo circulars

As you probably figured out from the previous paragraph, these are not actually going to be used as burp cloths. Instead, I’m bringing them to work! We only have paper towels and no air hand dryers in the office bathrooms, sadly, so I felt like something reusable was in order.

I still have partial balls of both the Stretch Sock and Cotton Ease left, so I need to figure out what to do with these, but yay for progress with stashbusting!

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Books and knits together

Sometimes I feel like I have too many hobbies and interests, or at least, not enough time for all of them. And in recent years I’ve always felt that one would suffer in favor of another.

A really good example of this? Reading versus knitting. Reading is my oldest hobby by far, though I’d fallen out of the whole reading-for-fun thing during college. I’d started to get back into it after graduation, but then it fell to the wayside again as my interest in knitting grew. I mean, I only finished 17 books last year, which is really kind of sad for me. If I could read and knit at the same time, this wouldn’t have been a problem.

But… now I can, thanks to my birthday present from T!

It’s so much easier for me to read and knit at the same time now, because I just have to quickly press a button instead of pausing to turn a page. And the e-ink is way easier on the eyes than reading an e-book on my computer monitor.

My only real problem now? I haven’t really found a good place to purchase DRM-free e-books yet – it’s kind of hard for me to tell which ones on the Kindle store are DRM-free and which one are not, unfortunately. At least many books on my to-be-read list are in the public domain, so for now I can just rely on sources like Project Gutenberg.

Those who care about the knitting may be wondering: what’s the project in this picture? Well, it’s a Kindle sleeve, of course!

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