Somehow, until last July it had never occurred to me to knit a lacy shawl in fingering weight yarn. I’m not entirely sure why – I mean, my very first lacy project was in an even heavier yarn! But then I saw some of the awesome fingering-weight shawls from my knitting group. And, I had more than a bit of a fingering weight yarn in my stash. So I started poking around Ravelry for options.
I ended up going with a pattern that I’d previously marked as a favorite – turns out that a fair number of people had knit it with Malabrigo Sock already. I think mine turned out pretty well, don’t you?
Pattern: Aeolian Shawl by Elizabeth Freeman
Yarn: Malabrigo Sock in Cote d’Azure
Needles: US4 Inox Express circulars
I knit the shoulderette version pretty much as written, although I did omit the beads. It was a pretty quick and fun project for me – I’m sure I’ve never knit a shawl so fast in my life. Yay for a fun pattern, and yay for fingering weight yarn!
My only problem was – I ran out of yarn partway through the bindoff! I thought I’d be okay since several people on Ravelry seemed to only need the one skein, but apparently I’m one of the exceptions. Booooo. Luckily, Jess came to my rescue! She had already finished a project using the exact same colorway of Malabrigo Sock, and she gave me the remnants so I could finish my own.
Speaking of the yarn, I really enjoyed working with it and would definitely use it again in the future. Though not for socks, despite the name. Malabrigo Sock is lovely and soft, but it’s not very tightly spun and I doubt it’ll wear particularly well. Luckily, wear isn’t as much of a problem when you’re dealing with a lacy shawl. Good thing, too, since I actually use this quite a bit. Mostly in the office, but still!